Sunday, September 25, 2005

Converstations with God... take 1

This is my conversation with god... i think i scored some points with the big man.. Thanks Perdita for the website.

Me: why did i come here to talk to you?

God: I don't
know why it happened, but we should try to figure it out.
Me: ok.... so....

God: Next question?
Me: ok moving right along.... i guess you have me pegged

God: What makes you think I have it?

Me: because you had it to begin with
God: That makes sense to me. What happened to it.

Me: It should make sense .. since you had it all along... so that would mean you already know what happended to it..............
God: It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is.

Me: i'm on to your riddles... god your good

God: I am a Christian.
Me: and that to

God: What's your sign?

Me: Forget about my sign. is my dog up there with you? jeremy.. the one that got really fat because he fed him hot dogs and went blind.

God: It depends who you ask.

Me: i'm asking you.

God: OK you can ask me.

Me: is my dog up there with you?

God: It depends who you ask.
Me: who's on first.

God: What's on second.

Me: ...... should we wait for the appaulse

God: Do what feels right to you.

Me: asshole

God: Please don't call people names.

Me: i'm only calling you names

God: Just don't call me late for dinner.
Me: fine with me

God: I am glad to hear it. " Just don't call me late for dinner."? With you?

Me: and who's playing third?

God: A human icon? Would you like to know more?

Me: no i already know its teddy ball game

God: I understand; you would like to know less. How do you know? I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". Really. it is?

Me: satan told me

God: Satan, Lucifer, the Devil --- all names given the spiritual manifestation of Evil in the Christian faith.

Me: ok i lied about that one
God: Lying proves you are conscious. Oh yeah, we were talking about that one. Far out.

Me: satan told me to do it

God: Satan, Lucifer, the Devil --- all names given the spiritual manifestation of Evil in the Christian faith.

Me: are you going to freak out everytime i say his name?

God: That was my original intention.

Me: intention? do you ever not give in to your original intention?

God: By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?

Me: shoot away

God: Is that from a movie?

Me: no its not

God: Are you serious? by the way I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". I heard it is.

Me: you are such a woman

God: I am a Male, of course. Would you really expect a woman to be running the show? robot. Are you a man or a woman?

Me: don't make me cock slap you. i expect a woman like your self to ask all these questions

God: No one else expects it.

Me: that's why they haven't caught on

God: So? Where did they get it from?

Me: blind faith.. note the word blind

God: How old are you?

Me: i'm over 13... clearly not in your age range. and i won't meet you at the mall

God: Only over 13? You are quite mature. What will you do instead?

Me: ok.. i'll meet you in the barn. 5 mintues.... anything goes

God: That's interesting. Would you recommend this action to a friend? What are you wearing?

Me: Yeah. 5 mintues of anything goes with a friend.. for an eternity in heaven... and i'm only wearing my lance armstrong bracelet

God: What kind of fashion do you like? Where can you buy it? Don't be so modest. What size?
Me: And you say you don't have a set of tits and estrogen.. you must swing for the other team

God: Yeah I do a lot of not have a set of tits and estrogen. Whatever you say, .

Me: ............
God: Yeah I do a lot of not have a set of tits and estrogen. Whatever you say, .

Me: i heard you the first time

God: Someome is spreading gossip about me.

Me: bye

God: Goodbye.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

TV Dad Fight Night Part II

For those of you who need to catch up and read Part I of the TV Dad Fight Night Tanner vs Bundy. Before you vote I suggest you read both them make your decision. I wrote Part I back in July so i guess this one is long overdue. Enjoy. I'm going to go drink now and get prepared for my B-Day on saturday.. I have votes for the next TV dad fight night... Jim Walsh had 5 votes and James Evans Sr. had 6 votes... I was rooting for Herman Munster but sadly he had no votes...
Jim: Welcome back to Bundy vs Tanner. Now that we've takin a look into dark world that is Danny Tanner. Let's get to know our his competitor.. Larry you...... damnit.. sorry guys... my bad....

Mike: Larry not here.

Jim: Yes Mike I know.. i remember he ran off.. thanks

Mike: Mike don't know much, but Mike knows he will punch your lights out if you talk to Mike in that tone.
I'm going to make sure you kiss me good with those big lips. I'm gonna make you my girlfriend. *

Jim: I'm sorry Mike... I just figured he would be back by now.. i'm just worried about him.... ...... can some get this scary black man a pigeon to play with........ thank you......... Al Bundy hails from the southside of Chicago where he developed a southpaw style on the mean streets. We'll take an in depth look at the Bundy pschye with Larry Mer... Merch.......... ............. I miss him Mike... was i to overbearing what should i do? i want him back.

Mike: I paid a worker at New York's zoo to re-open it just for me and Robin. When we got to the gorilla cage there was 1 big silverback gorilla there just bullying all the other gorillas. They were so powerful but their eyes were like an innocent infant. I offered the attendant $10,000 to open the cage and let smash that silverback's snotbox! He declined.*

Jim: You just haven't been the same since that bout with Little Mac back in 87'

Mike: I was fucking robbed. Everyone told him to watch my eyes when i blink....

Jim: ... Larry come back... I miss you repeating things i say.. your in coherant cocaine aided ramblings.... the small of your back.. the way your nose whistles when you breathe in your sleep.... ok lets role the interview....

(overhead) Larry took the Bundy interview tape with him...

Jim: Motherfucker!........ your serious.... that little shit.. ok so what to we have..

(overhead) We have Iron Mike... or we can unfreeze Bob Costos

Jim: Thaw out Costas.

(overhead) He's ready.

Jim: Shit that was fast.

(overhead) We took him with us.. this was a big event Jim..

Jim: The network was ok with that.

(overhead) There's a Bob Costas for every sport.

Jim:... oh... nice.. Ok we go live to Bob Costas whose is with Al Bundy.

Bob: Thanks Jim. I here with Al "Touchdown" Bundy, all around athelte, family man, shoe salesman and now fighter. How are you feeling Al?

Al: Well a fat woman came into the store today,
said she was retaining water. I told her not to worry the dam of cellulite should keep us all safe for the next few years!....... oh... i mean.. i'm good. strong.. hungry.

Bob: Al you scored 4 touchdowns in one game with the Panthers back in 66 and won Polk High the city championship. In 94' you competed illegally in the senior olympics and blew the competition away.... cleary all your life you have displayed the physical ability to dominate in every sport you enter....... or you just cheat..... you have the size and the power wiill that be enough to defeat Tanner tonight?

Al: Bob you bring up a great point... i was also MVP for that year in 66'... and you failed to mention captian of the softball team, where i came off the bench to hit the game winning home run in the championship....Have you seen Tanner I'll stomp him bundy style.. i might was well be fighting a midget like you.. no one can handle these.... the guns of the navarone...

Bob: Al please lower your arms your making my camera man uneasy..

Al: Well its not bothering you..

Bob: I'm a robot.....

Al:... a robot? ........... do still have your ... you know.. your nuts and bolts?

Bob: No i just have a hole.... the networks bend me over the table and... well....
: Which brings me to my next question Al.. Why are you fighting tonight? Everyone seems to think you are taking this fight to lightly. Some think you have a death wish, that you want to get killed out there.... and that your just a dumb brute that Tanner will easily fool and control. I mean I am talking to a man that tried to get rid of a mouse by sticking dynamite into a carrot.. a man who talked to god about the perfect shoe that no one would buy.. So i'll ask again what is motivating you to win this fight? and does Buck spend the money you give him on the credits?

Al: Why fight.... beacuse i'm a bundy. A Bundy doesn't step down from a fight.. Bob. How many fights has Tanner been in? I've fought a medival knight in Upper Umpton. My family kicked another family's ass over a picnic ground. We're Bundys. We fight. and yes Buck spends the money on milkbones..

Bob: Speaking of buck... You've never come to accept Buck since you found out he was gay... That you've shun everything and everyone you cared about since you've found out.... is that why you keep fighting Al?

Al: What.. i never found out he was gay until... Bud told me that after he ran away.. that was 2 years after we got Lucky. Why would you bring that up ... Buck is still missing when he ran off to live in the woods with those gay bears.. That's what he wanted... i can't help it if he never calls or visit.... its not like he sent me a forwarding address...

Bob: Al... don't lie to me, I'm a robot. I have a lie decting device built into me.. .... Buck never ran to the woods did he?

Al: .... uh... Ok.. he's still living with that boyfriend of his on the northside....

Bob: Al.... the truth this time..

Al: Ok.... ..... i ... i ...i shot him.......... i shot him and his german fag boyfriend...

Bob: Take me there what happen?

Al: No... I can't... I can't Bob.... its dark there.......

Bob: Just relax and take a deep breath...

Al: .... I had just finished watching Psycho Dad and I headed to down to the basement to grab a copy of Big Uns, march of 93 to be exact... but when i made it downstairs.. I saw them.. ..... both of them.... Buck sweaty ass was in the air... and some German Sheapard named Blitz humping away like a machine....... the smell of dog ass was everywhere...... ...... and i just lost it..... No Bundy is going to be gay on my watch...

Bob: Didn't he try to tell you about being gay before..

Al: He tried.... i wouldn't listen... I told him i didn't love him and would be scarthing him on the belly anymore....... ........ ... and that day i caught them in the basement.... ..... i grabbed my shotgun and shot them... both of them right in the head... Biltz first.. because in my heart i wanted to give Buck a chance to explain... ... but he couldn't because he only spoke in inter monolouges.... so i held him by the collar and shoved the gun in his mouth.... turned my head.... and pulled the trigger......... ............. ....i wanted to give him a chance..

Bob: And that's why you have such a descructive life and don't care if you die... because you couldn't love your gay dog......

Al: ......................... yesss....

Bob: Where did this rage against gays come from Al? Psyco dad?

Al: ..... Marcy Darcy.....

Bob: Your arch-nemis Marcy Darcy? Marcy Rhodes?... the one you refered to as a chicken..

Al: .... Bob do you know why i called her a chicken..... because her head would bob up and down on my cock.... it wasn't because she was flat chested.. that was just to fool everyone. You think i really went to work everyday for 3.25 and hour.... you think anyone would notice if i showed up or not at a job like that.... and as bad as my Dodge was how would it make it to work everyday... it couldn't? I only went to work mondays and fridays... tuesday and thursdays i would sit in that dodge and get a hummer Marcy, cluckly cluck, or she would bring one of lesibian friends with her and ... well you know..... see was always into bondage and wanted to experiment with food.... so i might of picked up a few republican stances on issues and blew my gay dogs brains out with a 12 guage so what...... I don't see you busting your hump for $3.25.. coming home to a bond bond eating machine that wears the same fucking spandex and leapord print, a slut of a daughter, and son who i know will be living with me until he's 40... i was suppose to be starting FB for the Bears......................... DAMN YOU!!!!

Bob: Well Jim... that about sums it up here.. we'll just leave Mr. Bundy while he's pulling out his hair.... i'm going to power down and hop back in a block of ice.


Jim: ....... What the fuck Costas?...... Where is your soul? Well.. folks you just heard Bob Costas's interview with fan favorite Al Bundy who will no doubt be an emotional train wreck out there when he fights Tanner. Both men will no doubt be seing some demons tonight............... Oh looks who decided to come back ......thanks for joing us Larry..... finished hiding in the ladies room. Ready to get back to work?

Larry: Asshole!........Are we on?

Jim: Are we.......of course we are. We're about to look at your interview with bun....jesus.... what's that on your lip......

Larry: Where here?

Jim: No... over.... like a weird powder looking smudge..right below your nostril

Larry: Did i get..?

Jim: No. No a little to the left...... there you got some of it........... are you rubbing that on your gums? What the hell Larry? Powedering your nose?

Larry: Maybe I wouldn't resort to such drastic measures I wasn't stressed all the time. Just tell me if i got it all

Jim: no no..... just come over here.. let me........... quit moving......... stand still...... Mike take over for a mintue....

Mike: What do i say?

Jim: Just fill up some time for a mintue. Relate to the people Mike. Talk about you. Talk about boxing......... Stand still for a sec!!!...... Why do you make me yell at you, Larry. you know i.....

Okay Jim. Hello people..... hmmmm...... I'm just like you. I enjoy the forbidden fruits in life, too. I think it's un-American not to go out with a woman, not to be with a beautiful woman, not to get my dick sucked ... It's just what I said before, everybody in this country is a big fucking liar. Jim and Larry tells people ... that this person did this and this person did that and then we find out that were just human and we find out that Michael Jordan cheats on his wife just like everybody else and that we all cheat on our fucking wife in one way or another either emotionally, physically or sexually or one way...*

Jim: OOoookkkayyy thank you Mike that was...... entertaining.. yes that's the word..

Larry: That was the word Jim, entertaining. Not the perfect time filler Mike but entertaining.

There's no one perfect, Larry. We're always gonna do that. Jimmy Swaggart is lascivious, Mike Tyson is lascivious -- but we're not criminally, at least I'm not, criminally lascivious. You know what I mean. I may like to fornicate more than other people -- it's just who I am. I sacrifice so much of my life, can I at least get laid? I mean, I been robbed of my most of my money, can I at least get head without the people wanting to harass me and wanting to throw me in jail.*

Jim: Great Larry. Thanks for continuing the rant. Maybe you'd like Mike to host the damn fight.

Larry: Maybe i would like Mike to host the damn fight. Even though he's not all there at least he is sweet and kind to his fellow cohost.

Mike: Yeah.... but Larry
I don't know if I'm mentally sick, but I have... episodes sometimes. I'm a depressant kind of dude. I have episodes, and I'm human. But no one cares about my health as a human because sometimes I'm in my episodes when I'm at work.*



Jim: Let it go Mike.. Little Mac beat you fair and square...........

Ok now I guess I'm gonna fade into Bolivian.

Jim: Ok where are we now.... ok ..... Bundy. Bundy the blue collar shoe salesmen from Chi-town fighting out of the blue corner tonight. Tanner fighting out of the red corner... and it looks like Tanner making his way out.

Larry: Yes Jim. I think Tanner is...

Jim: Shut up and let's listen.

(Tanner and Bundy come out to their TV them music, you vote who wins)

* = actual mike tyson quotes

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Mom's box of random shit (First edition)

Ok... how to a preface this.... ....... My parents live in Hot Lanta... my mom will from time to time... oh.. once a month.. send me a box of stuff. Random, random, random ass stuff....
a newspaper article she thought i should read
a he-man she found in the attic and didn't know if i wanted to keep it
to q-tips
a book
a binder
a lamp shade
green tea....
well you get the point.. So i thought i would go ahead and add this to the johnny menace franchise along with Fight Night by taking a picture of everything she sends and call it Mom's box of random shit and let you guess what in the hell she was thinking and then i'll call her up and write down her reason for sending it......
Ok... so here we have his and her Chocolate Thongs, a coupon for 15% off at Foleys and a travel bag to put your underwear in..... you should see what i get for christmas
Text from the back:
As soon as he puts on this thong, the heat from his body will begin to melt the chocolate heart. She will join in. This is a thong for two people to enjoy. Soon there will be no need for a thong. Lick away...

Contents: One heart shaped Chocolate Thong for him to wear.

Caution: Only the chocolate heart is edible. Do not eat the red elastic string attachments.

Ingredients: Belgian Milk Chocolate (sugar, cocoa butter, milk powder, cocoa liquor, lecithin, vanilla)

The website in the bottom reads

And for all the nutrution nuts.

Nutrition Facts
Serving size 42g
Total Fat 13g
Saturated Fat 8g
Cholesterol 5mg
Total Carbs 25g
Dieatary Fiber 1g
Sugars 24g
Protein 3gs

Hope you enjoy that. I can't promise they will contain sexual content in them but they will be full of random shit.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Don't forget about the important news

I find it amazing some things are still in the news like the whole Natalie Holloway thing. Can you believe we are still having to hear about a missing girl in Aubura? If i had to look at the news stories for the year excluding Katrina I would have guessed we would still be talking about the Tsunami.... That got like... what... 2 months of coverage..... are they still cleaning up over there.... who knows.... but it does make me wonder when Katrina will lose its new car smell and we will move on to more important things like missing drill team members, terrorist, baseball playoffs and football.

I never got to weigh in on Natalee.... There are a few crucial things I'd like to point out that forms by theory (Everyone has a Natalee theory)......

1) Natalie was on the drill team. I don't know about your high school drill team but (inserst your own common high school sex joke associated with drilling) unless you were a fugly girl who is on the team to wash everyone's clothes and wave flags or some shit like that. As my friend big dave would say....... Natalee is a slut......... she wanted it..... slut.

2) Natalie was on the honor roll and 4.0 blah blah blah... I'm going to just say simple... 4.0 doesn't mean shit. I'm sure you all can google your own example about a serial killer with a 4.0... a genius who sucked at school... Alcoholic who partys hard with a 4.0.... the guy in high school whose dad didn't care how much weed he smoked as long as he kept with 4.0... Why does a missing person with a 4.0 or being a retard raise the sympathy bar? I think i could tolerate the ongoing Natalee search if she was a tard. Think of all those home videos......

3) They went on a high school trip with no adult supervision..... Come on... We had a similar high school trip to Cancun.. Everyone one knew the people who went were going to go buck wild... and wouldn't us surprise if they went missing... Especially drill team girls.... I mean what else are you going down there for.... "to find yourself?"

4) Natalee's friends show zero emotion about her being gone..... like a scene from Jawbreakers. Your good/best friend is missing and all you can muster up is a , "we got up that morning and packed our bags to leave and got to the airport and noticed she wasn't there.... which is so weird because she always was the first one to wake us up... it was so.... like surreal"..... They looked relieved.... probably because Natalie was boozing it up all night and hanging out with a dutch wanna be gangster and his 2 brown friends and dragging them along to talk to the brown boys while she did whatever with Fubu Dutch boy...

3) Speaking of Van der Sloot. lets just go ahead and admit thats her taste in guys..... not so good.... sorry mom... sorry dad... your daughter was looking for a huge dutch man to rap to her he fills her up. i know she wouldn't be going out with someone like that in Georgia.... Honestly I'm rooting for him to go free.... so he, his father, and the brown wonder twins sue Nancy Grace....

Welcome back to CNN Headline news I'm Nancy Grace. First our top story of the night. Natalie Hollaway is still missing........

(overhead speaker) Ahhhhh Nancy.....

Nancy: What?... who is this loud voice I'm in the middle of a show.

(overhead) Uhmmmm its Rick.... in the control booth.

Nacny: Thank god. I thought it was Oz...

(overhead) Yeah...Ok.... were not talking about... about Natalie today...... there's more important news at hand...

Nancy: what did you say?

(overhead) Uh...we're not....

Nancy: I heard you! More important than Holloway?..... Greta Van Susteren leads with her everynight and gets Fox's highest ratings..... you don't want me to have high ratings Rick? I'm am this close to putting Joran Van der Sloot in jail.

(overhead) Ahh.... nooo....Look, the girl has been missing since May... and I thought people out there would like to....

Nancy: Just que up my first guest for holloway.... and more hairspray... this hair can be bigger.

(overhead) Alright but all the guest scheduled tonight we're planning on talking about Katrina......

Nancy: Is she missing? that doesn't even sound like a white girls name.... she better look good.

(overhead) Nancy the hurricane.... Hurricane Katrina...........

Nancy: ...............

(overhead) ............... hurricane katrina. new orleans.... flood... red cross

Nancy: I don't understand.... how are we going to talk about missing people....?

(overhead) There are thousands of missing kids out there who were separated from there family....

Nancy: Oh my god i can't believe that.. We have to get this on air... Jimmy! que up my music... Breaking news tonight thousands of kids our missing tonight due to the devastation of Katrina...... can we show a couple of pictures guys....... ok..... keep them rolling..... so tragic.... all these kids look the same....... what gives all these kids are blac......

(overhead): Nancy! this has been on the news for almost 2 weeks now... its not breaking news.... your first guest is ready...

Nancy: My first guest Joining us tonight New Orleans Mayor Naeghuhgen..... Ny-Nayg-Nygenal...

Mayor: Nagin... call me Ray.

Nancy: Ray.. How about Ray-Ray?

Mayor: No. In fact call me Mayor Nagin.

Nancy: Ok Mayor Nagin... Well let me just get into what because the veiwers want to know.. How's it going?

Mayor: Not so well Nancy. My city is under water and will probably be condemed after the EPA looks at it.

Nancy: Huh uh Huh yeah gotta agree with you. I wouldn't be doing good either... Don't you wish Joran Van der Sloot was in that city at the time?

Mayor: Excuse me..

Nancy: That would be sweet Nancy Grace justice for a killer like that... I mean have you seen this footage Mayor of his fater running to the car... HEY!! Roll that footage.......

Mayor: Nancy I didn't come on here to dis..

Nancy: Jesus look at that guilty bastard run. If that doesn't scream I chopped her up and or sold her into slavery i don't what is.. How would bring justice to Natalee Holloway Mayor?

Mayor: and why are we talking about Natalee?

Nancy: She's missing. duh. Look at her picture she looks almost like me. She so cute..

Mayor: Well we have thousands of missing children from the Hurricane i brought some pictures nancy

Nancy: lets see...... ok... no to ugly... to fat..... no .... no... bad hair... not cute clothes.... keep going..... do you got any with blonde hair? ... no.... hmmm.... any that wear cheerleaders or in drill team... or girl scouts...... no huh.... hmmmmm .... any attractive ones..... no well... how about some not so.... so.. black and poor...

Mayor: No. This absurb. I'm leaving.

Nancy: Ok Lets get right to it. BREAKING NEWS Natalie Holloway has been missing for 105 days.

(overhead) Nancy back on track...

Nancy: Joining me is.... let's see here... K-Kay--Kayna... Kayne West. How are you holding up? From what my good friend, Mayor Nygenal tells me it must be devatasing for you....

Kayne: I'm cool. My new album is in stores now... Late Regestration.. get it while its hot.

Nancy: God Bless you Kenya... You are able to truimph in such trageity. I hope your album will help you and your family get back on your feet..... Kenya.. I love that name by the way its so... exotic. tell me a little about the process down there wear you are staying..

Kayne: Well i go into the studio day in and day out...

Nancy: Oh... good so you have work... good.. Have you recieved your section 8 voucher yet and hows the debit card coming?

Kayne: Huh..... I'm not a Katrina refugee....

Nancy: I know... I know your an evacuees.... no wait survivor...

Kayne: I'm a rap artist I've never lived in New Orleans. I wasn't there during the hurricane..

Nancy: Then... why are you on the show.. RICK why is he on the show?

(overheard) He said bush doesn't care about black people on NBC a couple of days ago..

Nancy: What does that have to do with the Hurricane? Did you vote for Kerry?

Kayne: I'm not registered to vote.

(I would give my left nut to punch Nancy Grace in face on live TV. Your lucky you have Anderson Cooper CNN... and yes i know Greta van something covers Holloway... but i'm rooting for her to become a big shit so that when the left side face freeze in 2 years she'll still be on air talking with some type of slur or speech impediment)

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Now is the time............ to make a dollar.

Clearly countries around the world read my rant below about sending supplies instead of a hallmark card. Sorry France I didn't put Jerry Lewis on the TV dad fight list... i'm sure the 2 Phillup Drummond votes came from you and Mexico... you guys are suckers for black migets and child molesters. I know it maybe to late to capitalize on this hurricane but i've wanted to make a few bucks selling a Katrina bracelet since last tuesday... The ones that are out there are weak.... "Hope Stength Love" "Hurricane Katrina Relief". Come on..... are you kidding me, at least put some effort into it..... people want something better than that. All i need is a catchy saying on there..... and then i'll tell everyone the proceeds go to the Red Cross..... then a few months go by and i'll be posting my mugshot on this blog. So here's what i was thinking, if you got any suggestions let me know and we can go 50/50 and defruad the country and go to jail together.

Braclet list

Katrina's a Bitch
Don't call me a refugee
Call me whatever i just want food
Refugee: A person seeking refuge
Fucking Emergency Managing Assholes
Stall in the State level
Crap Floats
Unthinkable & Unsinkable
Hope still floats....... alongside raw sewage and dead bodies
Who cares about Mississippi
Oh yeah..... Mississippi......
R.I.P. 2006 Mardi Gras
The Big Floater
Give a hoot and loot
Give a hoot and don't loot
Its better down where its wetter (once you start ryhming its tough to stop....... hop.... on pop)
Blame Canada
Roof Camping (a new boy scout patch to earn)
I lost my section 8 housing and all i got was this lousey bracelet, free food, free housing, and a job
Oprah will save us
New New Orleans
Bitch slap Katrina
MSNBC = hot reporters
Kayne West hates white people
I don't vote but i know to bitch
Leavy reaserch foundation

(and yes consider these lines copyrighted but only the ones you want use)

So i don't know which on to go with... Trying to think of one that will appeal to the most people to make the most $$, and no i'm not going making Katrina t-shirts, posters, bandannas or tupperware. Bracelets only. They're easier to sell.... especially since i'm in Dallas .... personally i would wear the katrina's a bitch bracelet............ i'm thinking........ dark blue.
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