Thursday, June 16, 2005

Batman Begins

Nice to mole you. Moley, moley, moley. Moooooooole. Posted by Hello

Batman Begins.... outstanding movie all around. The best out of the franchise by far. One thing that bothered me was that mole on Christian Bales face (right between the nose and the eye), i kept waiting for Alfred to wipe it off his face. I mean come on Christian you make millions and you can't get that thing removed, its not like its a beauty mark. But he makes a great Batman and a perfect Bruce Wayne.

I'm sure i'm over reacting it could have been worse. Posted by Hello

Katie Holmes blends in nicely.... no tom cruise images popped in my head thank god, but the deeper purpose babble between her and bale did take me back to Dawson Creek years (if only Dawson would of taken Joey at that party after he crashed his dad's boat she never would have fallen for Pacy).... Anyways Holmes is good. I think she made the movie for McJake, the bastard was elbowing me during a scene where Katie wears a thin silk shirt and no bra, now he can sleep peacefully i guess.

Before seeing the film i was a little down the movie was PG-13, thinking it could be better if it was R, but since it was PG-13 McJake and i didn't have to wait in line to get tickets, which snaked around 6 times. God bless those automated ticket machines, just purchase uno child ticket, no ones there to check your age, its not marked on the ticket, no one checks the price of the ticket when they rip it, and through the gates with 3 bucks saved to blow on popcorn. its a beautiful thing. We had to sit in the freakin bottom tier. The top tier was already full. Still, we sat in the middle always a plus, fourth row, got the cherry coke, twizzlers and McJake has the popcorn. Before the 300 previews came on 2 guys were coming across the third row in front of us, luckily they sat 3 seats to left of us instead of directly in front because they reeked. It was like a mix of grass sweat BO and paint thinner with a hint of wet dog. I don't know how the couple sitting behind them were able to eat their popcorn. The movie ushers should have stop them from coming in, let alone buy a ticket. Probably used that automated ticket machine, stupid machine. All i'm saying is there needs to be a guideline for people who stink and come to watch a movie in a sold out theater.


Blogger Todd Tobin said...

Glad to know that I'm not the only one that thought Batman Begins was the best out of all of the others -by the way, I'll take this opportunity to say "Fuck Tim Burton"-and I had a strange experience with the other film-goers myself. You write good shit, man...

4:47 PM  

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